Contessica Ryans

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Simple pleasures and agonies

I have too many thoughts swirling through my mind, almost like a raging wind storm leaving just hints and fragment in its wake. Sigh, have you ever had one of those days when idea after idea just pounds at your mind until you think you couldn't possibly handle anymore. Well that has been how my day - no week has been going.

Prayers go unanswered; sighs go unheard - Why, oh why do I get such strange one liners float through my cluttered mind. Teasing me with a possible idea or story line to come. Or how about, Love, Lust and other torments for a possible book title? Really, could it get any worst? And then it hits, almost painfully much worse than I thought possible. The idea isn't a romance, nor is it even an erotica horror of horrors it is a tale of unrequited love.

Of all the ideas to float to the surface, it had to be this. Should I even attempt to write it? I have a few stories on the go already, mostly for pleasure but at least I can attempt to have those published. But a tale of unrequited love!? I don't believe that there is a market for it, and I am not overly surprised by this fact since even to me it is terribly depressing.

There is just so much hunger and desire in the characters that are calling to me that I don't think that I can ignore them. Lovely, now I feel like I might need to visit a doctor who will make me lie down on a leather couch and ask me what is wrong.

But never fear the title is a completely different story idea that is a hellva lot more up beat. I do beleieve that I like to give myself heavy work loads, i don't have to write as much as I do since I am not published and not fighting to be (as of yet). Mind you I wouldn't mind being published, who wouldn't? But for now I like writing for the sake of writing, for my own enjoyment it is my little simple pleasure.

Posted by Contessica :: 11:51 PM :: 0 Comments:

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